Sleep Care Center

We are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Joint Commission.

Sleep Medicine

The first fully accredited facility in eastern Connecticut, The Center for Sleep Medicine at Windham Hospital draws on a board-certified staff and state-of-the-art equipment and procedures to diagnose and treat a vast array of sleep disorders.

Every year, we see an increase in the number of people seeking diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related complaints. In fact, between 50 and 70 million American adults are believed to suffer from undiagnosed and untreated sleep/wake disorders.

You may be one of them if you:

  • Snore loudly
  • Experience depression or forgetfulness
  • Become irritable
  • Suffer from morning fatigue or insomnia
  • Wake up thirsty or with a headache

You should first talk with your primary care physician about your concerns. You may then be referred to The Center for Sleep Medicine for diagnosis and treatment.”

Some examples of sleep disorders we can diagnose and treat include:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
  • Central sleep apnea, which stems from a lack of respiratory muscle contraction, absence or airflow
  • Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep, which includes the twitching of your legs and/or arms
  • Restless Leg Syndrome, in which pain or numbness in your legs prevents you from falling asleep
  • Circadian Rhythm Disorders, including Shift Worker Sleep Disorder and Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
  • Insomnia

Learn more about OSA


  • Your primary care physician may refer you to our Sleep Evaluation & Management Office (SEMO) for comprehensive sleep medicine examination by one of our physicians to identify whether you have any sleep disorder symptoms and what possible treatments or testing may be needed.

    In addition to sleep specialists, SEMO is staffed with state licensed respiratory care practitioners specializing in sleep technologies. They are integral in helping the physicians with the long-term treatment and management of patients with sleep disorders.
  • Once you are scheduled for a visit in our Sleep Lab, you will be hooked up to a variety of state-of-the-art monitors feeding information to diagnostic computer systems and software under the supervision of one of our sleep technologists.

  • While you sleep, the equipment will record data on your breathing, pulse oxygen levels, nasal/oral air flow, tracheal noise, body position, chest and abdominal effort, electrical activity in the brain, muscle activity, eye movement and heart rhythm and rate.

Meet our Sleep Specialists:

Name Specialties Location
Nascimento, Jeffrey Christopher, DO Nascimento, Jeffrey Christopher, DO
4.9 /5
169 surveys
  • Pulmonary Medicine
  • Enfield
  • Hartford
  • Glastonbury
  • Willimantic
Show Less
Troy, Patrick Joseph, MD Troy, Patrick Joseph, MD
4.8 /5
148 surveys
  • Pulmonary Medicine
  • Hartford
  • Glastonbury
  • Willimantic
Show Less
Maslinski, Pantcho G., MD Maslinski, Pantcho G., MD
4.8 /5
85 surveys
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Willimantic
  • Waterford
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  • Contact Us

    Main Number

    Manager & Chief Technologist 

  • Hours of Operation

    Sleep Evaluation & Management Office
    Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Physician Evaluations 
    By appointment only.

    Sleep Laboratory
    By appointment only.

  • Sleep Questionnaires


    Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Acredited by the AASM - click to learn more