Educational Observer Program

Observations are a great opportunity to observe the responsibilities of a healthcare professional in a field that interests you.

The Educational Observer Program (EOP) provides community members from the Windham Hospital service area interested in a healthcare career a chance to observe a healthcare employee in a workplace setting. The EOP is designed to be a one-time observation experience. 

Eligibility to participate

  • Community member age 16 or older
  • College students
  • Individuals exploring a 2nd career

Program Goals

The goals are to assist individuals in accomplishing the following:

  • Observe daily routines of a healthcare workers
  • Begin to identify career interests in healthcare
  • Gain awareness of the academic, technical and personal skills required in healthcare professions
  • Gain an understanding of the work environment that can be unique to a particular profession
  • Develop an understanding of the critical connections between school, work and goal attainment

Application Process

For more information please contact: