Henri Remains A Heavy Rain Threat
August 23, 2021
By Hartford HealthCare
Henri continues to weaken rapidly across the Northeastern U.S. but remains a heavy rain and flood threat. A moderate risk of heavy rainfall will continue to lead to considerable flash, urban, and small stream flooding, along with the potential for widespread minor to isolated moderate river flooding over portions of Long Island, New England, eastern New York, New Jersey and northeast Pennsylvania.
Here is the latest information for Hartford HealthCare locations:
- Neighborhood Health CareVan
Coe Memorial Park Civic Center
101 Litchfield Street, Torrington
CANCELED, Monday, 8/23

"Be Prepared" is a great motto for the Boy Scouts, but it’s important for everyone in a natural disaster — such as a hurricane. Hartford HealthCare has compiled these tips from many respected official sources.
1. Make a PLAN
Plan before you act. It will help you prepare and assure family members
- Take time before the storm hits to discuss what to do with your family and neighbors
- Find a safe space. Remember: sometimes — especially if you live on the coast or in manufactured housing — the safest space may not be your home but elsewhere in the community, such as a shelter
- Talk about escape routes: Agree on where your family will go if you leave your home — a friend’s house in another town, a hotel, a shelter
- Make a list of important phone numbers
- Make sure any children know how and when to call 911
- Think about what to do with your pets if you need to evacuate
- Check your insurance coverage — flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners’ insurance
2. SECURE your home
Take time before the storm to keep your property safe.
- Bring in anything that can be picked up by wind
— lawn furniture
— bicycles
— lawn decorations
- Close windows, doors and any hurricane shutters
- Shut off any propane tanks
- If the storm is imminent, turn refrigerators and freezers to coldest setting and keep closed as much as possible so food will stay fresh longer if power fails
3. Make a KIT
Before the storm hits, make sure you have the supplies you may need
- Water — At least a 3-day of supply; plan on 1 gallon a day per person
Food — At least a 3-day supply of food that’s non-perishable and easy to prepare
— non-perishable packaged or canned foods and juices
— foods for infants or the elderly
— non-electric can opener
— cooking tools
— paper plates / plastic utensils
- First-aid kit
- Prescription drugs: 7-day supply
- Vehicle fuel tanks filled
- Toiletries / personal hygiene items / moisture wipes
- Flashlights
- Extra batteries for flashlight and radio
- Radio — Battery-operated or hand-crank (NOAA weather radio, if possible)
- Phones — fully charged cell phones, with chargers
- Blankets / pillows / sleeping bags
- Clothing — seasonal clothes, rain gear, sturdy shoes
- Cash (some small bills) and credit cards.
- Keys: House, car, other
- Copies of important documents
— insurance, medical records, bank account numbers, Social Security card
— put them in a waterproof container or a watertight re-sealable plastic bag
- Tools — keep a small portable set with you during the storm
- Map of area — for alternate routes if roads are closed
- Camera for photos of damage
- Special items as needed:
— For infants/toddlers: food, diapers, wipes, toys
— For the elderly: glasses, hearing aids, assistive devices, medications
— For pets: food, carrier/cage, collar, muzzle, leash, medications, ID, bowl
— For family: books, games, recreational items
For more information