Hartford HealthCare Hosts Free Talk on Training Tips For Runners in Storrs

July 22, 2014 By Steve Coates, 860-456-6112

WILLIMANTIC—Physical therapist Paul Canavan, PhD, from the Windham Hospital Rehabilitation Network will host a free community talk for runners of all skill levels on Tuesday, July 29, from 6:30-8pm at the Mansfield Community Center at 10 South Eagleville Road in Storrs. The talk—“Running for Life”—will focus on injury prevention and treatment, proper technique, and choosing the best running shoes. Windham Hospital’s Karen Barbone, RN, and Lynne McPhee, RD, will also discuss proper training nutrition and will offer healthy recipes and free cooking samples.

The event is part of a continuing series sponsored by Windham Hospital, the Windham Hospital Rehabilitation Network, and the Hartford HealthCare Family Health Center in Storrs.

Registration for the event is required. Please call 855.494.4636 (Toll Free) to register.

Windham Hospital